💕 Why Franchisees LOVE Teams of Tomorrow! 💕 This Valentine’s season, we’re celebrating the love our franchisees have for Teams of Tomorrow (TOT)! ❤️ Many of our franchise owners are former teachers who were looking for a way to continue doing what they love—teaching—while gaining the flexibility, financial freedom, and fulfillment they’ve always dreamed of.Read more
As we well know, a new year is an opportune time to start afresh in our lives, but it also offers the chance to take a step back and view our businesses with fresh eyes. We’ve got five solutions for business owners to consider as we move forward in the year. Set goals (bigRead more
Spring break has passed. For classroom teachers, testing is over. For TOT teachers, Shine Time is just around the corner (next couple of weeks!). The days are longer and warmer, and now you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. School is almost over, but you’re feeling drained. We get it! It’sRead more
We’re only a third of the way through the year, but for those who operate more on a school-calendar, the days are ticking away and summer will be here soon. As excited as it is to realize summer is almost here, many people begin to experience fatigue. For many of us, fatigue comes from workingRead more
Sheryl Sandberg writes in her book “Lean In,” “The time is long overdue to encourage more women to dream the possible dream.” Now more than ever, women are dreaming that possible dream. The past few years have seen an incredible surge of female empowerment- from Jen Welter becoming the National Football League’s (NFL) firstRead more
Employers, the parents in your companies have spoken. Stressful and overscheduled lives have pushed employees to point where a structured work environment just won’t cut it anymore. A recent survey completed by almost 1,200 parents with kids in school reports work flexibility is now the highest priority for working moms and dads, evenRead more
Since the rise of the modern-day working mom, the war between those who go to work and those who stay at home has raged on. But a third type has arisen from the carnage of the battlefield: the mompreneur. She hasn’t come to fight—unless it’s against an obstacle keeping her from succeeding to helpRead more
It appears that the more women are free to succeed in business, the more everything else succeeds. The concept of women empowerment in business is increasingly unveiling itself—and that’s a good thing. The 2012 U.S. census reported women own 36 percent of businesses. Five hundred American, women-owned businesses start up every day. With moreRead more
Achieving awesome results at your job—it’s the ultimate natural high when you finish a project that’s boosted your reputation, pocketbook or both. It’s all about the end product. Or is it? Many of us get an ego trip when we influence a positive outcome, especially at work where we’re in line for promotions orRead more
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TOT® Advantage
How do I enroll my child?
Click on "Find a Location Near You" and enter your zip code to find available programs in your area. Then, click “Read More" to register.
What goes on in a TOT® preschool class?
Bodies moving, minds focusing and eyes shining! Your child will be fully engaged mentally and physically! The Preschool TOT® class consists of 3 parts - Athletics! Academics! Agility!