For many, the new year means turning over a new leaf…or at least part of a leaf. New Year’s resolutions are just as synonymous as fireworks when it comes to January rolling back around. While resolutions may seem like an adult activity, even toddlers can join in on how to make 2018 better than theRead more
TOT teams around the country have been working on their skills while also getting in the Christmas spirit! Check out how these superstars spent this Christmas season! Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
How many times have we used or heard the phrase, “just be grateful that…?” For many, the comment is typically brushed off and everyone moves on with the conversation. We all know that being grateful and having gratitude in our lives is important for many purposes, but now, science is backing up the claim thatRead more
In 2011, Laura Braxton started thinking she needed a change from her job as a kindergarten teacher. Nothing major, just a different grade level. Instead, Laura ended up diving head first as a Teams of Tomorrow director. Laura started receiving emails about the program, but said it sounded too good to be true. SheRead more
As the saying goes, kids say the darnedest things. TOT superstars are no exception to the rule! We thought it would be fun to round up some of the hilarious moments, stories and quotes our TOT stars have had over the years. Here are some submitted by TOT directors and teachers! “This story isRead more
“Consistency is key” is a phrase thrown around often, and can even be construed as cliche by some, but it can be an important key to helping grow happy and confident children. The scary thing about consistency is just that – actually having to continuously do as you say whether that’s not continuing toRead more
In the Teams of Tomorrow program, preschoolers are moving their bodies for 45 minutes and learning new concepts all at once. So, what about that is so special? We all know that being physically active has countless benefits – but is there a correlation between physical activity and brain growth? Simply put: yes. AnRead more
Every August school starts back – and with school comes the extracurricular activities. It can be hard to figure out which one (or ones!) are right of your child, but we’d like to officially state we think TOT is perfect for all children! One of the biggest bonuses of TOT is that classes areRead more
Ashley Justice became the Aggieland Teams of Tomorrow director in April 2015 after being a TOT teacher for three years. Ashley had spotted TOT some years before at a preschool conference when she was working as a preschool teacher. She realized right away that the program consisted of her two favorite things—basketball and working withRead more
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Click on "Find a Location Near You" and enter your zip code to find available programs in your area. Then, click “Read More" to register.
What goes on in a TOT® preschool class?
Bodies moving, minds focusing and eyes shining! Your child will be fully engaged mentally and physically! The Preschool TOT® class consists of 3 parts - Athletics! Academics! Agility!